Brain Health Research
Scientific research has shown that in many cases there are controllable factors in the progression and severity of adult-onset Cervical Dystonia or Parkinson’s Disease. Using the techniques researched below, I was able to achieve a 90% remission from an extremely painful, debilitating cervical dystonia. I can’t guarantee that any of these things will help you, but I hope you will consider putting in some effort towards rebuilding your systemic health.
If you have early warning signs of neurological disease, like reduced sense of smell, tinnitus, or major sleep disturbances, consider yourself “lucky”. I hope you will consider the healthier lifestyle changes below in order to reduce the risk of developing full blown CD or PD in the future.
This page is not intended for any of you to avoid getting professional help. I did see two neurologists, who both diagnosed my condition as “idiopathic” (cause unknown) and were only able to offer symptomatic treatment. This page is intended to help you to find the right providers to address systemic health issues in addition to your neurologic providers.
A naturopathic doctor (ND) diagnosed both my cervical dystonia and high manganese blood levels (manganism) in the first shot. This is quite a feat considering the rarity of both conditions. But I’m not unlucky enough to have two independent rare conditions. They are deeply related, which I will explain through the research below.
Genetics have a significant influence on our health. In fact, various forms of dystonia run on one side of my family. In my research, I have discovered most genetic differences are not purely bad – they are generally good for one thing and bad for another. Therefore the predisposition for motor illnesses can often be overcome by being extra careful about controlling risk factors.
Diet, Gut Health, and Supplements
Diet and gut health are the key to keeping your 1500-plus blood biochemicals in balance. These biochemicals not only supply your brain and body, but your highly complex detoxification, neuroprotection, and immune systems. Supplements may be helpful where diet and good gut health are insufficient to bring the system back into balance.
The gut is home to 100 trillion bacteria representing more than a thousand strains, and these bacteria help your digestive system break down proteins, produce important biochemicals, and block absorption of toxins. Long term disturbances to the bacteria population, called dysbiosis, is common in neurologic and other systemic “diseases of aging”. One of the most obvious examples of dysbiosis contributing to systemic illness is diabetes. Dysbiosis may be caused by a combination of genetics, use of broad spectrum antibiotics, pesticide and other toxic exposures, and poor diet. In this section, we discuss ways to improve your diet and gut health, and why these things matter more than we might think.
Vitamin D Deficiency and Neurologic Disease
If you only get one thing out of this website, please read this!
Gut Health and Dysbiosis
Dysbiosis is common in Cervical Dystonia, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular disease.
Diets for Brain Health (under construction)
Diets such as modified Mediterranean diets can reduce risks of neurodegenerative disease. We emphasize factors specific to CD and PD pathogenesis.
Supplements for Neuroprotection (coming soon)
Supplements can include antioxidants, support for our detox systems, and many other functions.
Supplements to Avoid; Moderation (under construction)
Advertisements for supplements can look so compelling. Why over-supplementing can be counterproductive to achieving remission.
Uric Acid, Gout, and Dystonia (under construction)
Research shows a potential link between high uric acid levels and dystonia, starting with the gut.
There are tens of thousands of chemicals in use and in our foods today. Some of us are far more genetically susceptible than others to specific toxins, which may be why many of these systemic diseases run in families. For example, occupational use of paraquat (a herbicide) increases risk of PD by 50% in the general population. However, in people with certain genetics, the risk of PD is increased by more than 10 times.
Genetic risks can be hard to interpret, so we help you identify and reduce toxic exposures in your life that are known risk factors for CD, PD, or systemic disease.
Manganese (under construction)
Manganese toxicity is usually ignored unless a patient is in a high-risk occupation such as welding. But even living within a kilometer of a ferromanganese plant is a risk factor for PD! But there is new evidence how correcting dysbiosis and vitamin D deficiency can reduce this risk, or in my case even drive disease remission.
Heavy Metals (under construction)
Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium can contribute to neurodegenerative processes. How to reduce exposures.
Air Pollution (under construction)
Air pollution kills roughly 9,000,000 people per year worldwide, often due to induction of systemic diseases. Ways to manage pollution exposure.
Persistent Chemicals (under construction)
Sadly, prepared foods are often contaminated by toxic chemicals used in food packaging. We share some resources for finding safer options.
Lifestyle Recommendations
Always-on, high-stress, poor sleep, and sedentary, low-sun lifestyles along with our genetics can predispose us to systemic disease. Our most important lifestyle recommendations is for you to take charge of and responsibility for your health. Don’t expect a “miracle pill” to make up for a poor diet or lack of exercise. Going this way will usually guarantee progressive degeneration.
You can start taking responsibility by making a daily journal of your diet, supplements, exercise, symptoms, and improvements.
Secondly, try to find a health advocate who will go with you to doctor appointments and bring your list of questions, record what was said, and coordinate decisions between healthcare providers. When you have a neurologic condition, this is important so you don’t miss things.
Sleep (under construction)
Deep sleep is the main time your brain is detoxified from Reactive Oxygen Species. Toxins like manganese interfere with sleep. Things you can do.
Reducing Stress (under construction)
Understanding why stress reduction is important, and ways to do it, starting with correcting vitamin D deficiencies
Exercise (under construction)
Easy to say, hard to do, especially if you have dystonias or PD. Some thoughts about exercise.
Genetics Testing (under construction)
Genetic testing and interpretation with lab test results can help target treatments better. Some suggestions for finding professional help.
Associated Conditions
There are many diseases that are often associated with aging, but when they occur when we are younger, offer us an early warning to adopt a healthier lifestyle before neurodegenerative processes set in. Also, some psychiatric disorders are common when we have CD or PD, partially due to biochemical disturbances that come with systemic disease. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at some of these commonalities and what we might be able to do about them from a systemic health point of view.
Reduced Sense of Smell (Hyposmia) (under construction)
Manganese, an essential nutrient, in excess is a risk factor for CD and PD. But there is new evidence how dysbiosis and vitamin D deficiency can multiply manganese risk.
Tinnitus and Reduced Hearing (under construction)
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Sleep Disturbances, Short Term Memory Loss, Irritability (under construction)
Easy to say, hard to do, especially if you have CD. Some thoughts about exercise.
Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Depression (under construction)
The Science of CD and PD
For those of you who like to understand why, or wish to contribute to our science research effort.
Dopamine (under construction)
Dopamine is not only the for rewards, it's for initiating motion! A closer look at why CD and PD almost always involve dopamine disturbances.
The Curious Connection to Autism Spectrum Disorder (under construction)
ASD is a risk factor for Parkinsonism and PD. In my case, it is connected to my CD. A closer look at potential reasons why.
Deep Brain Stimulation and the Globus Pallidus (under construction)
DBS, using electrodes implanted into the globus pallidus, is often highly effective in both CD and PD. But there's something you may want to consider first.
Detoxification Systems (under construction)
A look at the body's many detoxification systems and how to support them.